Services Created For You !

Bangla Dictionary (Offline)
Free Offline Dictionary
Need a 100% free offline dictionary that can translate both from English to Bangla and from Bangla to English?
Need to translate a full sentence?
If your answer is yes, then you are at the right place! This is the most user-friendly and customizable dictionary available!

Bangla Dictionary – Facebook Messenger Bot
Messenger Bot
Bangla Dictionary in Facebook Messenger !
Send us any message on FB Messenger starting with a dot (.) and get the Bangla meaning with synonyms instantly.
Example: .good

Hindi Dictionary (Offline)
Free Offline Dictionary
- English to Hindi dictionary and translator
- Hindi to English dictionary and translator
- Auto-complete suggestions
- Get the meanings of a word categorized by Noun, Pronoun, Adjective, Verb, Adverb, Preposition, Suffix, Prefix etc.
- Text to speech feature to know the correct pronunciation
- Translate a full sentence
- Built-in Hindi keyboard
- Copy and share the translated words easily